Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 are a match made in heaven. This Microsoft release cycle of operating systems offers extremely improved security, speed, and ease of use. The release of Windows 7 to retail has been confirmed to be on October 22nd. While the Windows Server 2008 R2 release date has not been confirmed, Microsoft has suggested it will be shortly thereafter. Windows 7 is able to run on older hardware Unlike Windows Vista, Windows 7 has more minimal hardware requirements. With Window7 boot time is increased, as is the power and battery management. The visual improvements also improved work flow making things like document comparison a breeze. The ability to connect to your Windows Server 2008 R2 servers without a VPN, yet just as securely, and access all of your is also a feature that will save set up and configuration time, thus reducing costs. Another feature of Windows 7 important to customers is Windows XP compatibility. Microsoft leverages their Virtual PC technology without the VM feeling, allowing specific programs which may not be compatible with Windows 7 to run on Windows 7 due to the compatibility mode. This means customers can buy the latest release without fear of existing application compatibility. For more Windows 7 information, go to http://windows.microsoft.com/enUS/windows7/products/home?os=nonwin7Windows Server 2008 R2 offers many improvements over Windows Server 2003 as well as its immediate predecessor, Windows Server 2008. R2 offers Direct Access to the network from outside of the network to Windows 7 clients using their Direct Access technology which is none too difficult to setup. Branch Cache is another innovative solution in R2 which saves bandwidth across corporate VPNs and makes opening files quicker. When a branch user opens a file that is on the corporate server, their local server using Branch Cache keeps a copy of that file. Changes are uploaded to the corporate network and a local copy exists for the user. Next time the user opens that file, it takes seconds, not minutes over the VPN. Microsoft made vast improvements in their virtualization and remote desktop services (previously terminal services) technology as well. Hyper-V, Microsoft's server virtualization technology, in R2, will allow you to on the fly, to migrate virtual servers from one host server to the next. If you want to upgrade a server's memory perhaps, you can now migrate live servers to another server, power down the server, add the memory, power it back up, and migrate virtual servers back to their normal host server. This is all done with no impact to the production environment. This is just one of the many great additional benefits to Hyper-V in R2. Also, using VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure), you can virtualize entire desktops. Using VDI, no longer will sensitive customer data be lost when hardware is lost or stolen. All of the data exists on the virtual server within the user’s desktop. The user's laptop or desktop only acts as a mechanism to access their corporate desktop that is stored and backed up in the data center. Remote Desktop Services (formerly known as Terminal Services) will allow administrators to publish specific applications to specific users. In the previous release, Windows Server 2008, everything published was visible to all users, and you had to lock down who could use which program within the operating system. With R2, you can publish specific apps to specific groups so only the people who need Office can see Office, and so on and so forth. For more information on Windows 2008 RC2, go to: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/r2.aspx InterDyn BMI is pleased to announce the addition of a monitoring-only option as part of our Managed Services Program. Monitor IT provides you an initial audit of your environment, monthly health reports of with recommendations, and 24/7 monitoring with alerts sent to the contact(s) of your choice. Remote support by an InterDyn BMI engineer is available for an additional fee upon request. The tools provided with Monitor IT allow our engineers to quickly gain remote support and provide a prompt resolution. This plan, like all of our plans, is available in a month to month contract or a discounted (multi)-year contract. For more information on any of our IT services, please click here to contact us. Labels: news
New Functionality for Extender in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 Service Pack 4Microsoft is excited to announce new functionality being added into Extender for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 Service Pack 4 planned for August 2009. Extender is an easy-to-use product that allows you to add data fields, notes, macros, lookups and much more, without writing a single line of code. Develop strong business processes and enrich your reporting power for Microsoft Dynamics® GP with this powerful functionality. On September 1, 2009, the pricing for Extender will increase to $2,450 for all licensing models.
Announcing added features and functionality as well as a pricing increase for Microsoft Dynamics GP Extender (EEX) on the Microsoft Dynamics GP price list. On August 1, 2009, the pricing for Extender will increase to $2,450 for BRL Business Essentials, BRL Advanced Management, MBL Standard and MBL Professional.
Consider this 90 day notice of the price change and look for additional product related information very soon. Extender is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to add data fields, notes, macros, lookups and much more, without writing a single line of code. Develop workflow and enrich your reporting power for Microsoft Dynamics GP with this empowering tool. This tool will be enhanced and improved along with Microsoft Dynamics GP Service Pack 4 due out in July 2009. Buy now and get on enhancement prior to the increase in price!
They are new, they are fun, and they are available now! The new SmartList Builder for Dynamics GP 10.0 Templates on CustomerSource. A Few Key Highlights: - There are over 100 templates to choose from. - Setup to publish to SmartList under the Additional SmartLists - Very similar if not exactly like the default favorites in SmartList. - Very similar to the Data Connections that already exist with Dynamics 10.0 SP2, but are using GP tables. - Find them on the Reports Library page under the SmartList Templates link or here. Support policy for modifications to SmartList Builder and Excel Report Builder in Microsoft Dynamics GP(KB 921625) If you have any questions regarding the New Functionality for Extender, click here to contact InterDyn BMILabels: Microsoft-Dynamics-GP
Please note that effective June 22, 2009, in response to customer feedback and as part of Microsoft’s continuous efforts to provide world-class support for its products, the company is updating the Microsoft Support Lifecycle policy for service packs for key Microsoft Dynamics products. Microsoft is extending the service pack support policy for Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics AX, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM to 24 months of support for a previous service pack, when a new service pack is released. Previously, when a new service pack was released for these products, Microsoft provided 12 months of support for the previous service pack. For additional questions, please click here to contact InterDyn BMI. Labels: Microsoft-Dynamics-AX, Microsoft-Dynamics-CRM, Microsoft-Dynamics-GP
Microsoft Dynamics CRM has been positioned in the Leaders quadrant of the Gartner Inc. CRM Customer Service Contact Centers 2009 Magic Quadrant, a research report that looks at contact center desktop software for customer service and support that is best suited for different economic situations. “As a result of the economic slowdown, business leaders are focusing on the central role of customer service to simultaneously lower costs and build customer loyalty,” said Michael Maoz, vice president and distinguished analyst, Gartner Inc. “The loss of a profitable customer, or a potentially profitable customer, is expensive and preventable. The contact center, which integrates and synchronizes post-sales customer interactions, is the most critical flash point for the customer relationship.” “Business leaders are being challenged to drive higher customer satisfaction and retention while their budgets are under pressure,” said Brad Wilson, general manager of Microsoft Dynamics CRM at Microsoft. “Microsoft Dynamics CRM delivers powerful customer service solutions through either on-premises or on-demand deployments, enabling more choice and flexibility for our customers and partners with a rapid time to value.” For complete article please go to the Microsoft Press Pass page for more information. Labels: Microsoft-Dynamics-CRM
Did you know if you are current on your maintenance that Open Systems has a customer portal site you can create a login to access OSAS or Traverse information for no extra cost? This is a great resource tool that is available 24/7 and an area Open Systems hopes to keep enhancing.Information that can found on the customer portal is: · Support Documentation including User Tips and Year End Checklists · Searchable Knowledge database · User Guides · Recorded Online Training and Demos – videos you can watch online · Enhancement Lists for current versions and/or upcoming versions · Payroll tax compliance paper changes · Product Information for all modules available · Traverse 11 Resource Area – White papers, Executive Briefing and recorded demos highlighting some of the changes. · Listing of upcoming End user classes - **Note there is a cost to the classes. · Ability to enter product suggestions for future versions If you do not currently have a login, We recommend creating one to at least check out some of the resources available to you that areincluded with your yearly maintenance. To do so go to http://www.osas.com/ click on Sign In in the very top right hand corner and then scroll to the bottom and click on Register for Open Systems Customer Portal. Labels: Open-Systems
Microsoft Dynamics CRM is Industry Ready Your company has unique needs to thrive within your industry. Microsoft has extensive experience working with organizations of all types and sizes. Together we deliver CRM solutions tailored to your industry so you have the tools and capabilities to easily create and maintain a clear picture of customers, from first contact through the entire customer life cycle. Education Improve teaching and learning opportunities for instructors and students while improving administration efficiency. Financial Services Enhanced delivery of high-quality, personalized services for banks, wealth management firms, and insurance providers. Government Efficient constituent service and information sharing for state, city, and local government agencies. Professional Services Increased profitability and client service for accounting, legal and business consultants. Health and Social Services Reduce the administrative burden, freeing more time for case workers to focus on clients. Healthcare Providers Improved processes and cost-effective care for hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. Manufacturing Streamline processes and minimize inventory-carrying costs for producing goods from raw materials. Retail can help retailers stand out from the competition. With rich information about every customer, you can provide personalized care to build customer loyalty and increase your revenue. NEXT STEP: I’d like to propose we engage in a discussion and solution demonstration to give a vision for how Microsoft Dynamics® CRM could help your company save money in a down economy. We have an on-demand webcast called Choosing the Right Customer Relationship Management Solution which could serve as a great foundation before a more personalized meeting. I look forward to discussing next steps. Once you have completed the webcast click here to start your FREE 30 day Microsoft Dynamics CRM trial! Labels: Microsoft-Dynamics-CRM
Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics POS 2009 for Retailers
All retailers, large and small, want to ensure their customers are having a positive experience with the store. A positive customer experience can increase the success of the retail store hugely, while a negative customer experience can result in losing those customers, thus losing revenue.
Microsoft Dynamics POS 2009 works to ensure retailers do their best to maintain that positive customer experience they all want and need. Dynamics POS can help your retail business in a variety of ways, including:
- Personalize your user experience – By customizing the user interface, this encourages your employees to utilize the necessary tools for their job and focus on the customers.
- Streamline inventory management and reporting – Quickly see which products you have in stock so you can order more of what is needed before you run out.
- Maintain detailed customer histories – These customer histories help anticipate the customers’ needs, and how to respond to them.
- Respond quickly to changing business demands – Get a complete view of your business and make informed decisions with real-time tracking and reporting, and act quickly on new retail opportunities.
- Manage cash flow and profitability – Microsoft Dynamics POS 2009 comes equipped with Office Accounting Professional 2007, which helps this solution connect the point-of-sale and financial management processes. Office Accounting Professional 2007 supports PayPal payments and online invoicing for your online retail needs.
By helping retailers be successful in their business from start to finish, Microsoft Dynamics POS 2009 creates a pleasant experience for each customer that walks in the door.
To learn more about how Microsoft Dynamics POS 2009 can help structure and organize your retail store, contact InterDyn BMI.
Labels: InterDyn, InterDyn BMI, Microsoft-Dynamics-POS-2009, Microsoft-Dynamics-RMS
Microsoft Corp. today announced (July 9, 2009) new CRM Accelerators for Microsoft Dynamics CRM that help organizations reduce costs and establish business insight across social networks, channel-centric organizations and Web interaction channels. Social Networking AcceleratorThe Social Networking Accelerator allows business professionals to monitor and analyze customers’ conversations on social networking sites, and as a result, provides real-time status updates about their products and services. This accelerator delivers integration with Twitter; other networks will be introduced in future releases. Partner Relationship Management (PRM) AcceleratorThe Partner Relationship Management (PRM) Accelerator allows businesses to use Microsoft Dynamics CRM to distribute sales leads and centrally manage sales opportunities across channel partners. It provides pre-built extensions to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM sales force automation functionality, including new data entities, workflow and reports. Using the PRM Accelerator, companies can jointly manage sales processes with their channel partners through a centralized Web portal, as well as extend this integration to automate additional business processes. Portal Integration Accelerator
The Portal Integration Accelerator easily connects Microsoft Dynamics CRM to an organization’s Web experience. With this added capability, a business analyst can use point-and-click configuration — as opposed to Web development — to rapidly extend to the Internet any business process and drive costs out of everyday business interactions. If you have questions about the new Microsoft Dynamics CRM Accelerators contact InterDyn BMI today! Labels: Microsoft-Dynamics-CRM
Manufacturing Organizations Can Benefit From Microsoft Dynamics CRM
In our current economy, manufacturers know that great sales, marketing and service can make or break their business. Successful manufacturers have to employ a sophisticated CRM solution that offers a comprehensive view of complex customer information and interaction, and that can integrate efficiently with legacy systems.
Manufacturers need look no further than Microsoft Dynamics CRM to best serve their customers. Below are three benefits that Microsoft Dynamics CRM can offer manufacturing organizations:
- Improve Customer Experience – Customer information is accessed faster and customer questions can be addressed more efficiently when complete customer information is centralized.
- Improve Productivity – Customer service representatives can be more efficient at processing customer cases with the self-service functionality. This allows the same number of service representatives to process more customer cases.
- Reduce Errors – Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps eliminate manual entry of customer information, which greatly reduces errors in the customer database.
You can find out more CRM benefits for manufacturers here.
To ensure your manufacturing company maintains its competitive edge, contact InterDyn BMI. We can help implement a CRM solution for your organization to meet sales and service challenges in a cost-effective way.
Labels: Microsoft-Dynamics-CRM